Link Coupled Transmatch

My build of a Link Coupled Transmatch.

Update 2024-04-20 sa

My Link Coupled Transmatch allows me to use my 600 ohm ladder line fed 80 Meter Full Wave Horizontal Loop antenna on all bands between 80 and 10 Meters with an SWR match of 1:1

I looked at photographs of the internal components of many commercial link coupled trans-match units and reversed engineered the images and duplicated what I saw using TurboCAD. I then printed out full scale drawings using my laser printer, pasted the drawings to 0.25 in. (6.35mm) baltic birch plywood and cut out the components using my scroll saw. I glued the components together with wood glue and wound 30 feet (9.2 meters) of #14 AWG (1.628mm) bare copper house wiring to the coil form. (photos below).

Please note that the information below is being provided AS-IS and as a way to share my ideas for the advancement of the Radio Art. If you use the information I have provided, you do so at your own risk and must determine if you have the proper skills to do so safely.

Drawings and text may be freely copied and reproduced for non-commercial personal and club use.

Schematic Diagram

Left-Click image to enlarge (Use browser's Back button to return). Right-Click and select 'Save Image As...' to download

Photos of commercial link coupled trans match units used as a reference.

Using TurboCAD I drew the components to recreate the dimensions of the coils.

I used my scroll saw to cut out the components from baltic birch plywood

Used wood glue to hold everything together.

Wound #14 AWG house wire on the coil forms.

Added extender wires to the primary (antenna) winding taps covered by the secondary (transceiver) winding.

See schematic at top (and YouTube videos below) to see how the capacitor and 80 meter full wave loop antenna / 600 ohm open ladder line are connected.

Below are YouTube videos of the Link Coupled Transmatch, feed line and loop antenna (Newest at top)

link Coupled Transmatch 2023-01-31 - Duration: 5:37

Ladder line to 80 meter loop 2020-03-09 - Duration: 7:54

Balanced link coupled tuner for full wave horizontal loop fed by 600 ohm ladder line 2020-03-07 - Duration: 6:29